
The Penang Institute monograph series makes accessible in detail and at length, analyses and findings of research projects concluded at the Institute. They are meant to stimulate academic discussions on subjects important to Penang and Malaysia and contributes towards making policy making in the country more evidence-based. They are all in soft copy and freely downloadable for public use. We ask that permission be first requested from the Institute before any partial or full reproduction of the texts is done. Feedback on the publications are warmly welcomed:


14 Oct – Hawkers in the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Penang

17 Sept – Digitalisation among Penang Hawkers: Targeted Policies Urgently Needed

23 July – Penang’s Skills Situation: Concerted Actions Needed

13 Jul – How has the Pandemic Affected Penang’s Health Landscape?: A Preliminary Study

19 Feb – Penang Economic Outlook 2021: Uneven Growth Expected Across Sectors

10 Feb – Preparing for the Future of Working Life

7 Jan – Strengthening Food Security in Light of Covid-19


15 Dec – Movement Control Measures against Covid-19: Mobility Changes in Penang and Malaysia

27 Oct – Scaling up Opportunities in the Nanotechnology Sphere in Penang

21 Oct – Innovations in Elderly Care Needed in Malaysia and in Penang

24 Sept – Elections in the Midst of Covid-19: Impact on Public Health and Democracy

3 Sept – Human Rights Derogations in Southeast Asian Countries during the Covid-19 Pandemic

9 July – Exploring a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Framework for Penang’s Urban Growth

23 May – The Business and Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Penang’s Manufacturing Sector

30 Apr – Covid-19: Extra Support Needed for Refugees in Malaysia and the Region

12 Mar – Instating a Free Commercial Zone at Penang’s North Butterworth Container Terminal

17 Feb – Industry Mapping and Value Chain Analysis of Medical Devices Companies in Penang


19 Dec – Using Carbon Pricing to Support Sustainable Development in Malaysia

15 Apr – Indian Youths in Penang: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions