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Memandangkan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) bakal berakhir, banyak syarikat dan pejabat memerlukan garis panduan operasi bagi memastikan pengendalian kerja dapat dilakukan dengan selamat dan rasional.
Seperti mana yang disebutkan dalam artikel Covid-19: Extensive Lifestyle Changes are on the Cards, perubahan cara kerja dan operasi perniagaan akan menjadi resam baharu. Pada tarikh 1 Mei 2020, Perdana Menteri telah mengumumkan pelonggaran PKP dengan membenarkan kegiatan-kegiatan perniagaan dijalankan semula bermula pada 4 Mei 2020, Isnin.
Perubahan strategi secara mendadak yang dibuat oleh kerajaan persekutuan menjadikan garis panduan rasional untuk memastikan operasi berjalan dengan baik bagi menghapuskan rantaian jangkitan Covid-19 ini adalah sangat penting. Untuk memudahkan perancangan khususnya bagi perniagaan-perniagaan berskala kecil, kami menghasilkan artikel ini untuk panduan semua. Di samping terus mematuhi arahan pihak berkuasa, terdapat juga langkah-langkah tambahan yang perlu diambil bagi memastikan amalan penjarakan sosial dilakukan dengan berkesan.
Garis panduan pengurusan umum ini bolehlah digunakan selagi wabak Covid-19 masih menjadi satu ancaman kepada kita.
With the Movement Control Order (MCO) ending, working places require standard operating procedures to be in place for a safe and rational resumption of operations.
As argued in Penang Institute’s crisis assessment, Covid-19: Extensive Lifestyle Changes are on the Cards, changes to working lifestyle and business operations are likely to be relatively permanent. On 1st May 2020, the Prime Minister announced a partial retraction of the MCO, allowing for a range of business activities to resume from Monday, 4th May.
The suddenness of this change in strategy by the federal government in the containment of Covid-19, makes rational guidelines for a safe implementation of Standard Operating Procedures for workplaces all the more necessary and urgent. It is in order to ease the transition for small-scale businesses in these unprecedented times that we have produced this document, and made it available to the general public. While keeping to the rules set by the authorities on movement restrictions, there are nevertheless additional measures that should be taken — and that are easy to take — to ensure that effective social distancing is practiced in the workplace.
Provided herein therefore, are general guidelines for managing the workplace as long as Covid-19 remains a public health threat, or in the event of similar threats to public health.
正如槟州研究院发布的研究报告《Covid-19: Extensive Lifestyle Changes are on the Cards》 中指出,因疫情爆发而改变的生活方式和业务营运或将是永久性的。众所周知,我国首相于5月1日宣布将落实有条件的行动管制令,大部分经济领域将于5月4日起正式获准恢复运营。
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