Malapportionment of Constituencies:
Analysis of the 2016 Redelineation Proposal (First Display) for the Peninsula and Sabah
and the 2015 Redelineation Exercise for Sarawak
[Beta version 1.1] 22nd September, 2016
Prepared by
Dr Wong Chin Huat Yeong Pey Jung Ooi Kok Hin
Minimising Malapportionment Is A Key Purpose Of Redelineation
This is an overall analysis of malapportionment of 200 Parliamentary and 600 State constituencies in Malaysia, based on the Election Commission’s report to the Parliament on the 2015 Sarawak redelineation exercise and the 2016 redelineation proposal for the Peninsula states and Sabah which is on public display for 30 days from September 15 to October 14. The only exclusion in this report is Putrajaya and Labuan which are state-level units but have no sub-division for either parliamentary or state constituencies.
Please click here for full analysis 
(Version 2.0 / 10.7mb PDF file)
Updated analysis for Perak | Updated analysis for Johor
The Effects of the 2016 Delimitation Exercise on the State of Penang
(4.1mb PDF file)