
Available Opportunities

Vacancies     Internship     Enumerators

Penang Institute is the public policy think tank of the state government of Penang. We seek to spur bold thinking in key areas that affect the well-being of Penang, Malaysia and the region in general.

Why the Penang Institute?

We offer the opportunity to make a lasting impact.

Our people come from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds that include economics, accounting, finance, actuarial science, statistics, engineering, history, international studies, political science, law, computer science, town and urban studies.

Being part of Penang Institute will enable you to draw the strength from a collaborative and intellectually stimulating environment, and help shape public policy.

Be part of us by exploring our vacancies below:

Penang Institute has an ongoing internship programme and welcomes young scholars who wish to gain insight and first-hand experience working with researchers, policy experts, government agencies and NGOs. Each intern will be designated a project according to their interests and academic background, and will be placed under the supervision of a mentor. Being a state-linked think tank, Penang Institute is able to offer interns the chance to participate and contribute meaningfully towards the socio-economic development of Penang. The internship period must be for a minimum of one month and a maximum of six months. Towards the end of the internship programme, interns are expected to give an inhouse presentation and publish at least one article based on their research . Candidates are expected to bear all costs of living during the period of internship (including board, lodging and travel).

The programme seeks talents with a passion for public policy issues and is open to both local and international undergraduate/postgraduate students and fresh graduates. However, please note that internship placement is based on project availability and supervisor’s availability at your proposed internship period. Acceptable research areas include:

– Socioeconomics and Statistics Programme
– Heritage & Urban Studies Programme
– History & Regional Studies Programme
– Publicity & Publications Unit
– Administration Unit

As for internship opportunities with our Penang Monthly team, kindly refer here.

Interested individuals may apply by sending in a cover letter, their CV, and a 1-2 page research proposal in the area of interest, and state their period of availability, to application@penanginstitute.org. Additionally, the cover letter should include the motivations and objectives for this internship, the desired achievements and goals, and subsequent plans after the internship. 

Applicants who are applying for the Administration Unit need not prepare a research proposal.

For the Publicity & Publications unit, please click here for further information on the application process.

Penang Institute’s internship programme has been successfully running since 2010, attracting students from all over the world and from world-renowned universities.

There are currently no enumerator jobs available.