Penang Institute is proud to host a public lecture entitled “Towards Flood-Resilient Cities in The Face of Climate Change (Mandarin Forum)” by Liao Kuei-Hsien which is scheduled as follows:
Date: November 23, Friday
Time: 8.00pm (Registration starts at 7.30pm)
Venue: Conference Hall, Penang Institute, 10 Brown Road, 10350 George Town, Penang
Language: Mandarin
In the face of increasing extreme precipitation events, a paradigm shift in flood hazard mitigation is necessary. The focus needs to shift from striving to control floods to learning to live with floods. In this talk I will introduce the notion of flood resilience. A flood-resilient city implies the capacity of the city to tolerate flooding in the first place, and if a flood causes damage and social-economic disturbance, it also implies the capacity to recover quickly back to a fully functional state. Flood resilience is an entirely different concept from the current norm of flood resistance or flood prevention in flood hazard mitigation. It requires the redesign of the built environment (i.e., buildings, open spaces, and infrastructure) such that it can adapt to frequent flooding. In this talk I will also demonstrate various urban design strategies to adapt to increasing flooding to promote flood resilience.
Liao Kuei-Hsien
(Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Urban Planning, National Taipei University, Taiwan)
在气候变迁已不可逆的趋势下,极端降雨已成为常态,严重挑战以防洪排水工程为主的水患治理模式。然而,防洪排水工程本就有其极限,诉求完全「不淹水」可说是不切实际;因此,水患治理需要范型转移:与其持续强化「防洪」,应该转化为培养「承洪韧性」 。一个有承洪韧性城市具备淹水容受力,也就是即便淹水也不会打乱社会经济活动、造成生命财产损失的城市;或,即便淹水造成水灾,也能够在灾后快速自我重建的能力。要迈向这样的韧性城市,需要的工具并非传统的防洪排水工程,而是环境设计,包括都市设计、地景建筑、建筑等,来改造目前不具淹水容受力的建成环境。本次演讲将以实际案例说明现代城市如何迈向韧性水环境治理。
廖桂贤 / 国立台北大学都市计划研究所副教授