Past Events

[Symposium] Critical Issues in Architecture & Planning

Critical Issues in Architecture & Planning


Architects, beyond their conventional responsibilities to the built environment, play a pivotal role in fostering socio-economic growth and societal development.

Our 3 distinguished SIA Gold Medallist speakers, have all lived through the formative years of Singapore, and contributed extensively to the architecture and urban planning field. They will be sharing their thoughts on issues we are facing today, including contexts of their success and failures.

Date: 23 December 2023, Saturday
Time: 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Venue: Penang Institute Conference Hall, 10 Brown Road, 10350 George Town
Speakers: SIA Gold Medallists: Tan Cheng Siong, Tay Kheng Soon & Raymond Woo
Symposium Chair: Datuk Seri Lim Chong Keat

Walk-In Exhibition
PAM Northern Chapter’s 50 years of Building Tomorrow
Date: 19 Dec – 23 Dec, 26 Dec – 29 Dec 2023
Time: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Venue: Penang Institute

This event is organised by PAM Northern Chapter in collaboration with Penang Institute.



The Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) Northern Chapter in collaboration with Penang Institute were very privileged for the opportunity to host the unusual event with 3 octogenarians who were awarded the distinguished SIA Gold Medal, chaired by Datuk Seri Lim Chong Keat whom himself is 94, with SIA Gold Medalist topped with PAM Gold Medalist.

Datuk Seri Lim Chong Keat initiated the symposium with an introduction to the topic: Critical Issues In Architecture and Planning.

“To be critical, stop talking about the great successes, but talk about the bad things. We had to know what were the worst things that had happened to improve.” He said.

Mr. Raymond Woo, being the newly minted 9th Gold Medalist in Singapore, is showcasing his work for the 1st time ever, premiering in Penang. He shared passionately about Singapore Science Center, SIA Engineering Hangar, Loyang Valley Condominium, including his largest scale of project the Ngee Ann City, with the biggest challenge they faced; He also compared those and elaborated on his most recent completed project at 268 Orchard road, with the same client as per previous project, but opt into a totally different approach on the façade treatment.

Mr Tan Cheng Siong, the 6th SIA Gold Medalist, is concerned on the issues of architecture and planning that were more related to man, neighbours, societies and communities. He shared 5 main perspectives starting with Singapore as a free nation and population issues that arose, 3 phases of different political leadership and transformation, then moving outwards to a macro scale to share his views of problems in selected ASEAN cities.

Mr Tay Kheng Soon, being the 5th SIA Gold Medalist, talked about the different levels of people affecting the urban planning and architecture scenes, from politicians down to the architects.

He is of the opinion that Singapore has an important role to play in uplifting the entire region. He also shared his view of Singapore being a Global City, which had led to domestication of the population, and strongly felt that liberation of mind is important, leading to his idea of designing The Enterprise City.

The symposium ended with nearly 30 minutes of overwhelming questions from the floor, followed by a brief networking session.