Past Events

12 Nov’16 – Budgeting Priorities in a Challenging Economic Environment

budgeting priorities

Penang Institute, in collaboration with the Malaysian Economic Association, KPMG and Institute of Public Accountants, is proud to bring you Budgeting Priorities in a Challenging Economic Environment. You are cordially invited to attend this forum as scheduled below:-

Date     : 12 November 2016 (Saturday)
Time    : 10.00am – 12.00pm (Registration starts at 9.30am)
Venue : Conference Hall 1, Penang Institute

The Malaysian Federal Budget is an annual framework of strategic measures, which is aimed at improving the quality of life of Malaysians and sustaining economic development at large. The 2017 Budget was recently announced with programs/policies meant to alleviate economic welfare of its people, civil servants in particular. Nevertheless, as Malaysian household debt is proportion at over 85% of GDP, extending higher debts to civil servants (e.g. computer and motorcycle loans) might not be sustainable in the future. Malaysian households require debt consolidation to reduce the debt burden, rather than greater reliance on debt for consumption; making year 2017 the most challenging year yet.

Come join us for a discussion on the impact of the 2017 Budget on Malaysia’s and Penang’s economy. Let us discuss on developments that might affect Penang’s and Malaysia’s business environment and investment climate; and perhaps the forum could serve as a platform for business leaders, entrepreneurs and investors with an economic outlook of Malaysia and Penang in particular as well as its future challenges and opportunities in 2017.

9.30 am    – Registration & Refreshment
10.00 am  – Welcoming Speech by Penang Institute
10.05 am  – Welcoming Speech by Malaysian Economic Association
10.10 am  – Opening Speech by YB Prof. Dr. Ramasamy Palanisamy, Deputy Chief Minister II, Penang
10.30 am  – Presentation by En Mohd Hassan, Section Head, Fiscal Policy Office, Ministry of Finance
11.00 am  – Panel discussion moderated by Dr. Lim Kim-Hwa, Penang Institute
                     Panelist:   Mr Alan Tan – Chief Economist, Affin Hwang Capital
                                        Mr Ooi Kok Seng – Lead Partner for Northern Region, KPMG
                                        Dato’ Ooi Eng Hock – Chairman for Northern Region, FMM
11.30 am  –  Q & A Session
12.00 pm –  Adjourn

FREE ADMISSION! Due to limited seats, registration is encouraged. Kindly register your interest at this link.