Past Events

5 Oct’16 – Media & Open Government

media and open gov updated

Penang Institute and REFSA is proud to co-host yet another Mandarin forum entitled Media & Open Government, featuring two prominent speakers from the media industry; Ms Cheong Yin Fan and Mr Kuek Ser Kuang Keng.

Cheong, previously a seasoned journalist, is now the Press Secretary to the Penang Chief Minister. Her current post requires her to switch from her previous role as a journalist who constantly tried to obtain government information, to one who have to deal with request for information from government by the press now; making her the best candidate to share on the ups and downs of media and information

Kuek is the founder of DataN, a training programme that lowers the barrier for newsrooms and journalists with limited resources to integrate data journalism into daily reporting. DataN has helped publications like Foreign Policy, NK News and Malaysiakini to strengthen their articles with data, visual and interactive components.

This forum will be conducted in Mandarin and moderated by Low Chia Ming, senior journalist from Malaysiakini.

Admission is free. For more information, please contact Daniel Teoh (+60143092926)(

槟城研究院与义腾研究中心(REFSA )很荣幸能够再次为槟城华社带来一场中文座谈“数位生活之开放数据”,邀请两名在各自领域表现出色的主讲人张燕芬、郭史光庆,分享他们的经验。

目前,许多先进国家都在流行“开放政府与数据”(Open Government and Data),推崇政府对外开放资讯让大众审查,以增强民主制度和文化,真正让人民当家。相较之下,马来西亚似乎与世界趋势背道而驰,从过去的《1972年官方机密法令》、《1948年煽动法令》,到《2012年国家安全罪行(特別措施)法令》,以及最新的《2016年国家安全理事会法令》都显示我国当权者愈加打压自由和民主。



另一名主讲人郭史光庆是 DataN 创办人。DataN 是提供小规模新闻工作室数据新闻训练的社会企业。他是纽约大学福布莱特奖学金得主,也是Public Radio International 谷歌奖学金得主。他曾任《当今大马》的记者与编辑,对数据新闻(Data Journalism)有深入研究。


座谈会为公开免费活动,欢迎民众踊跃参与。如有疑问或想报名参加,请联络Daniel (+6014-3092926) (。