Past Events

24 Aug’16 – 人与城市的对话 / City Designed for People (Mandarin Forum)

city designed for people

Date: Wednesday, 24th August 2016
Time: 8.00PM – 10.00PM
Venue: Penang Institute

70% of Malaysians are living in urban areas, and the number will only grow. As population surges, social and economic activities also increase. The interactions between the ever-increasing population in urban centres will take place in the ever-limited space through the ever-expanding demand for ever-scarce resources. This is where city planning and urban design play an important role to ensure a good lived experience for the people. From housing to traffic to recreation, to the often competing interests between different segments of the society – squatters, working class, artisans, local business community, big businesses, civil society, politicians – urban planning is in reality easier said than done.

As Penang faces the next challenge in urban planning, notably in designing and implementing a comprehensive transport master plan, we want to revisit some basics on urban design which makes sense to people. We are proud to host an acclaimed-practitioner, award-winning Malaysian architect, Kun Lim to speak on this issue. Lim has 30 years of experience in architecture and master planning in among others, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, India, and USA. He is also the Design Principal of Kun Lim Studio LLC based in Seattle. Perhaps of interest to Malaysians is, Kun Lim was the concept master planner of Putrajaya, the administrative capital of our country.

This forum will be conducted in Mandarin.




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