Past Events

3 Apr’15 – The Penang in Asia Lecture Series: Mainland Southeast Asians’ Ancestors: More Indigenous or Immigrant?

mainland southeast asians ancestors2

3 April 2015 (Friday),  8.00-10.30pm, Royale Bintang Hotel Penang

Penang Institute together with The Oxford and Cambridge Alumni in Penang, is proud to jointly organize the upcoming talk by Prof Stephen Oppenheimer entitled “Mainland Southeast Asians’ Ancestors: More Indigenous or Immigrant?” under the Penang in Asia Lecture series.

Date : 3rd April 2015, Friday
Time : 8.30pm – 10.30pm (Registration starts at 7.30pm)
Venue : Royale Ballroom -Royale Bintang Hotel, Penang
You may not know what anthropology means but “knowing your roots” is something that you are more familiar with.

Roots are the stories that ground you, the food that returns you, the music that comforts you, the identity that gives you strength, and the people who know you. Everyone has roots that influence them, even if they don’t consciously know them or can’t access them. – Unknown.

The idea of anthropology doesn’t get any easier than this.
In our upcoming Penang in Asia Lecture, Prof Stephen Oppenheimer shall reveal to you his years of research, tracing back the roots of Mainland and Island Southeast Asians using the uniquely-local surviving mitochondrial (mtDNA) investigation. As the title suggest, we will be focusing on the origins of Mainland Southeast Asians’s ancestors, answering the question if they are more indigenous or immigrant?

About the Speaker

Professor Oppenheimer, trained in medicine in Oxford and London universities, is a British geneticist, paediatrician and writer recognized for creating a unique synthesis of genetic, archaeological, and climatic evidence in order to track the ancient migrations of all modern non-Africans.

Elected to Green College, Oxford in 1999, Prof Oppenheimer is also a research associate of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the School of Anthropology, University of Oxford.


7.30pm-8.30pm – Registration
8.30pm – Welcoming address by YB Zairil Khir Johari, Executive Director of Penang Institute
8.40pm – Opening speech by The Hon. Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang
9.00pm – Mainland Southeast Asian Ancestors: More Indigenous or Immigrant? by Professor Stephen Oppenheimer
10.00pm – Question & Answer
10.30pm – Adjournment            

Admission is FREE and registration is on a first come first serve basis. Kindly register your interest to secure your seat.