Past Events

22 August 2024 – [TALK] Mental Stress, Inflammation & Heart Disease

[Talk] Mental Stress, Inflammation and Heart Disease : Can We Do Anything to Protect Ourselves?

Date: Thursday, 22 August 2024
Time: 8pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Conference Hall, Penang Institute

Speaker:Dr HT Ong FRCP, FACC, FESC
Consultant Cardiologist, HT Ong Heart Clinic

Moderator: Dr Teh Ewe Eow, MB,BS (Mal), MMed (USM)
Head and Consultant Psychiatrist, Penang Hospital

Entrance to this event is FREE.

About The Speaker
Dr Ong graduated in1983, obtained the MRCP(UK) in 1987 and the MMed (Singapore) in 1988. He has been elected Fellow of the Academy of Medicine Malaysia, the American College of Cardiology and the European Society of Cardiology. The Covid years made him realize the increasing role of mental stress and inflammation causing cardiovascular events, about which he has published a review article in GenPsychiatry (Impact Factor 11) in December 2023 with ProfChenJingHong of Shanghai JiaoTong University.

Join us for the first Public Health Forum Series, presented by Penang Institute and Wu Lien Teh Society. Increasing evidence has accumulated to show that mental stress can cause heart disease. Mental stress results in widespread inflammation in the body and this inflammation can cause the blocks of the coronary artery to worsen producing heart attack. It can also result in heart muscle injury and irregular heart beat leading to sudden death. Strokes have also been found to be increased by mental stress. The factors causing stress will be discussed in the hope that it can be reduced by every individual.

Event Highlights