Past Events

28 Nov’16 – How Much Do We Know About Budgets? (Mandarin Forum)

how much do we know about budgets

Penang Institute, in collaboration with Research for Social Advancement (Refsa), is proud to be hosting our fourth Mandarin language forum entitled “How Much Do We Know About Budgets”. You are cordially invited to attend this forum as scheduled below:-

Date     : 28 November 2016 (Monday)
Time    : 8pm (Registration starts at 7.30pm)
Venue : Conference Hall 1, Penang Institute


Budgeting is an important aspect of every government; be it local, state or federal; as it involves taxpayers’ money. Key questions of how does government intend to use public funds, whether the party in power will fulfill its election manifesto – are all answered in the government’s budget. However, budget documents are typically numbered up to thousands of pages. It not only takes up a lot of effort for the elected representatives to read and understand them; it also takes a lot of time, often weeks, to debate on its effectiveness and efficiency. How much, then, does the citizenry understand about budgets? To simply put, how do you ensure taxpayers do know how are their money spent?

This forum aims to help improve public’s understanding of government budgets – thus enabling them to comment and criticise the budget more effectively – which can eventually be transformed into a bottom up budgetary planning instead. Therefore, we have invited a number of prominent speakers, ranging from current issues’ commentator to professional analysts and elected representatives at both state and federal level, to discuss the content of the recently announced federal budgets from various perspectives.

7.30pm – Registration
8.00pm – Welcoming speech by Penang Institute
8.10pm –Panel discussion moderated by Miss Yeong Pey Jung, Penang Institute

Panelist –
– YB Wong Hon Wai
– YB Liew Chin Tong
– Miss Ong Wooi Leng
– Mr. Sun He Sheng

FREE ADMISSION! Due to limited seats, registration is encouraged. Kindly register your interest at this link.

For more details, please contact Daniel Teoh at 014-3092926.

槟城研究院(Penang Institute)与义腾研究中心(Refsa)为槟城人再一次带来中文论坛,题为”财政预算案你知多少“。在这里附上节目资料,诚挚邀请您出席:

日期:2016年11月28日 (星期一)

财政预算案的公文页数达千,即便是立法议员也要花不少功夫阅读和理解,再花数个星期辩论预算案内容。关于预算案,国民又知多少呢? 在这里邀请所有对财政预算案有兴趣的朋友一同参加论坛,聆听受邀主讲人深入分析马来西亚目前经济局势与2017年马来西亚及槟城州预算案的内容,让公众读懂财政预算案。槟城研究院希望透过这一场座谈,让更多人深入了解预算案的程序和内容,并装备国民能够更有效地评论或批评未来的财案。

7.30pm – 登记
8.00pm – 槟城研究院欢迎词
8.10pm – 主持人杨佩蓉登台开始论坛

讲员 –
– YB 黄汉伟
– YB 刘镇东
– 孙和声
– 王慧玲

这是一场公开、免费的中文座谈,欢迎有兴趣的朋友踊跃出席。若有任何疑问,欢迎民众来电洽询 014-3092926 Daniel Teoh. 欲报名者,请浏览