城市速写,秉持着”分享世界,一幅一画”的原则,以各种媒材纪录城市建筑与景观。 2009年全球速写组织(Urban Sketchers)成立,迅速扩散至全球多个城市,蔚为风潮。约自2012年,亚洲的城市速写团体,也以亚洲速写年会(Asialink Sketchwalk)的形式,有活力地串连与展开。每年轮流在不同亚洲城市举办,让绘画爱好者聚集与交流,以速写的方式记录城市风貌。槟城,分别在2012年、2014年,由速写槟城(Urban Sketchers Penang)举办年会;而十年后,2024年槟城亚洲速写年会(Asialink Sketchwalk Penang 2024)再度回到槟城,规模也变得盛大。这集,我们邀请到此年会主席Joshua Foo,分享他与伙伴的筹备过程,之中的规划、挑战,及如何运用他长期的品牌设计专业,定位此次速写年会。
Urban sketching, driven by the principle of “sharing the world one sketch at a time,” captures cityscapes using various mediums. Founded in 2009, the global Urban Sketchers movement quickly spread worldwide. Since 2012, Asian sketching groups have connected through the annual Asialink Sketchwalk, held in different cities each year. Penang hosted the event in 2012 and 2014, and now, a decade later, the Asialink Sketchwalk Penang 2024 returns on a larger scale. In this episode, we talk with chairman Joshua Foo about the event’s planning, challenges, and how his brand design expertise shaped this year’s sketchwalk.