槟城研究院的中文podcast一盏茶,至今已播出两年。在这不算长的经验中,我们期盼能透过这个小空间,与大家一起发掘在地用心经营所爱之事的各领域来宾。这一集,由三人所组成的制作团队,将聊聊制作podcast的幕后经验与小故事。从录制的空间、器材,如何寻觅受访来宾、拟定问题,乃至访谈过程中的互动,有哪些难忘、有趣的小事,又有哪些可以持续进步的地方呢? 另外,这集,我们也会介绍总是隐身在幕后,却是一盏茶的灵魂人物剪辑师登场。最后,我们也想向所有受访来宾与听众的支持,深深表达感谢。
The Penang Institute’s Chinese podcast “A Cup of Tea” has been running for two years. Through this platform, we’ve explored and shared the passions of local guests from various fields. In this episode, our three-member production team discusses the behind-the-scenes experiences of making the podcast, from recording spaces and finding guests to crafting questions and interview interactions. We’ll also introduce our editor, the true soul of “A Cup of Tea,” who usually works silently behind the scenes. Lastly, we want to express our heartfelt thanks to all our guests and listeners for their support.