
[EP8] 投入绿色教育的热血教师 — GREW (槟城绿色教育工作者协会)

GREW (Green Educators’ Workgroup) 由关心绿色教育的中小学老师创办,随后串联了具有共同目标的学校老师、NGO组织与公部门的有志之士,成为了交流讨论与资源共享的平台。GREW成立后的两年后已有丰富的成果,接触与交流的对象也延伸至大学生,甚至也对相关政策提出建言。这集,就让我们一起聆听几位共同创办人,这一路走的过程、挑战与未来展望!

GREW (Green Educators’ Workgroup) was founded by primary and secondary teachers passionate about Green Education. It connected like-minded teachers, NGOs, and government officials, establishing itself as a platform for exchanging ideas and sharing resources. GREW has yielded fruitful outcomes by extending its reach to university students and has even provided recommendations on relevant legislations. In this episode, let us tune into GREW’s co-founders as they discuss their journey and future prospects of the group.