Past Events

30 Nov – 02 Dec’15 – International Symposium on Intangible Cultural Heritage

We would like to bring to your attention to the following symposium, should you be interested kindly contact the symposium secretariat at

intl symposium on intangible cultural heritage


The George Town World Heritage Incorporated is pleased to announce an inaugural international symposium on Intangible Cultural Heritage from 30 November (Monday) to 02 December (Wednesday) at Bayview Hotel George Town, Penang. This symposium is co-organize by the Penang Institute, in partnership with the Penang Global Tourism.
Symposium language: English
Registration closing date: 30 October 2015
This symposium will discuss innovative practices, sustainable strategies, and lessons learnt from Asia in the safeguarding efforts of intangible cultural heritage. We also hope to strengthen cooperation and collaboration between practitioners, policy-makers, researchers, activists and communities in the efforts to sustain intangible cultural heritage.

George Town World Heritage Incorporated (GTWHI) dengan besar hati akan menganjur Simposium Antarabangsa Warisan Tidak Ketara yang julung kali diadakan pada 30 November (Isnin) hingga 2 Disember (Rabu) 2015 bertempat di Hotel Bayview George Town, Pulau Pinang. Simposium yang bertema “Innovative Practices, Sustainable Strategies, And Lessons Learnt” ini merupakan antara usaha pemeliharaan warisan tidak ketara. Simposium ini dianjur dengan kerjasama  Penang Institute dan Penang Global Tourism.
Tarikh   : 30 November hingga 2 Disember 2015
Tempat : Hotel Bayview George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Bahasa yang digunakan semasa simposium: Bahasa Inggeris

馬來西亞檳城喬治市世界遺產機構,將於2015年11月30日至 12月2日舉辦非物質文化遺產國際研討會,本次研討會主題為『創新實踐、永續策略與經驗傳習』。
本次研討會旨在加強區域間學術工作者、政策制定者,以及非物質文化遺產相關活躍人士組織之間的合作與聯繫,共同探討非物质文化遗产的永续发展與經營議題。 是次主題講者為聯合國教科文亞太地區非物質文化遺產國際信息與網絡中心 (ICHCAP) 助理主任朴成龙博士;大會也邀請十名亚洲各地的专家学者與會,以期增進相關學術交流與經驗分享。
本次研討會開放60個公眾名額,报名截止日期为2015年10月30日 ,歡迎貴校師生報名參與。