「一盏茶」是由槟州研究院 (Penang Institute) 所制作的中文Podcast。我们希望用一盏茶的时间,与您一起探索地方有趣的人、事、物。
[EP 23] 从土地长出的独立音乐花朵: 汪荣木 Ang Eng Bok
这集,我们邀请到槟城的音乐工作者 汪荣木 Ang Eng Bok,分享他30多年来的音乐创作之路。荣木属于多方位的音乐创作人,包括词曲创作、制作,近年来也投入中学的音乐教育。他的音乐路,是一段对自我及社会不断探索及反思的过程。中学时,他以青春年少的日常生活作为创作主轴,直到大学阶段,离开家乡的跨种族经验,开启他以跨文化作为创作的核心。之后,他持续与一些伙伴组成独立乐团、及支持在地独立音乐品牌。这个过程,缓慢且深刻,他不间断地探问创作的核心,及思索如何灌溉独立音乐之土壤,开出一朵朵花。
In this episode, we invite Penang-based musician Ang Eng Bok to share his 30-year journey in music creation. A versatile artist, Eng Bok is involved in songwriting, production, and recently, secondary school music education. His musical path reflects continuous exploration and reflection on self and society. Initially inspired by the everyday life of youth, his university experiences with cross-cultural interactions shifted his focus to multiculturalism. Over the years, he has formed independent bands and supported local music labels, persistently questioning the essence of creation and nurturing the growth of independent music.
[EP21] 愿叛逆与生命力常在: 2024 乔治市艺术节艺术总监 邓壹龄 Ling Tang
今年迈入第15届的槟城乔治市艺术节,已成为槟城、马来西亚乃至于享誉亚洲的艺术节之一。”当你想到青少年,你想到什么特质?” 这是Podcast一开始,2024乔治市艺术节艺术总监邓壹龄(Ling Tang),对我们的提问。而这个探问,正是回应15岁的乔治市艺术节,就如一个青少年般,对社会及世界充满好奇、生命力,又深具叛逆性格的样貌。因此,这次策展团队以 《此时·此地》 (Here and Now)作为主轴,将透过富有深度又好玩的策展,带来超过80种来自国内外的艺术活动,与大家一起思考人与城市、文化与艺术间的关系。准备好了吗,我们乔治市见!
This year marks the 15th edition of Penang’s George Town Festival, now one of the most renowned arts festivals in Penang and across Asia. “When you think of teenagers, what traits come to mind?” This is the question posed to us at the beginning of the podcast by Ling Tang, the Artistic Director of the 2024 George Town Festival.
This inquiry reflects on the festival’s 15-year journey, resembling a teenager full of curiosity, vitality, and a rebellious spirit towards society and the world. Thus, the curatorial team has chosen “Here and Now” as the main theme, offering over 80 art activities from both local and international artists, inviting participants to contemplate the intricate dynamics between individuals and society, cities, culture, and art. Are you ready? See you in George Town!
[EP20] 陪伴自闭症成人的自立之路: LemmeLearn
In recent years, public awareness of autism has grown. In this episode, Sharon and Benjamin from LemmeLearn Penang will debunk common myths about autism and explain how LemmeLearn, a social enterprise, helps adults with autism gain life skills and move towards independence through course design. They will also discuss the importance of a supportive community for individuals with autism. Finally, enjoy a cup of the production team’s favorite Kombucha, lovingly crafted by one of LemmeLearn’s students!
[EP19] 25年的社区耕耘:曾玉萍 (Arts-ED槟城文化社区艺术教育组织执行长)
每个社区,都乘载着不同的人与环境、文化,而蕴含各自的特色与挑战。这集,Arts-ED的执行长曾玉萍 (Chen Yoke Pin),将分享这25年来,团队成长的轨迹与心路历程。伙伴们如何以艺术、文化与教育作为切入点,陪伴社区成长。从最初以槟城乔治市作为基地,近年来,Arts-ED也积极探索其他州属的社区。就让我们一起听听,Arts-ED这一路走来,对于社会的观察,及对组织未来之路的思索。
In every community, diversity thrives, bringing its own dynamics and hurdles. In this episode, Chen Yoke Pin, senior manager of Arts-ED, will narrate the team’s 25-year journey and how they utilize art, culture, and education to foster community development. Initially centered in George Town, Penang, Arts-ED has lately expanded its reach to communities in other states. Explore Arts-ED’s journey, their societal insights, and their future directions.
[EP18] 生态保育绘本背后的灵魂人物 – Ammi Leong Yoke Mee (阿米老师)
Environmental picture books encompass themes related to ecology, the environment, and biological knowledge. In this episode, Teacher Ammi will share her rich experiences spanning over 10 years of creating such books. With a love for the natural environment, her creation of each picture book combines meticulous ecological observations, on-the-go sketch notes, and the process of turning these observations into art back at the studio. Join us as we venture into Teacher Ammi’s inspiring journey!
[EP17] 为青年发展贡献力量 – 魏鉝玲博士 Dr. Gwee Sai Ling
随着时代进步,作为社会栋梁的青年群体 (15岁到35岁),能力与兴趣都相当多元。在这集Podcast,魏鉝玲博士分享,她在超过15年于不同机构任职过程中,与各样青年们接触的经验与收获。回顾这一路上,她与团队致力为青年服务,怀抱热情地打开他们未来的各种可能性。
As times progress, the youth demographic (aged 15 to 35), often considered the backbone of society, has become increasingly diverse. In this episode, Dr. Gwee Sai Ling shares her experiences and insights gained from interacting with young people for over 15 years while working in various organisations. Reflecting on this journey, she and her team remain dedicated to serving the youth and fervently exploring numerous opportunities for their future.
[EP16] 与磨砂纸当好朋友:槟城景华工坊董咏祥与陈企凯的师徒对话
Established in 2018, Keng Hwa Carving Studio specialises in traditional Chinese wood carving, focusing on smaller components like plaques and wooden cut flowers. In this episode, founder Tong Wing Cheong and his apprentice Tan Qi Kai share their journey into wood carving, its knowledge, and the bond between Sifu and apprentice. Amidst laughter, we discover the challenging yet meaningful path of preserving traditional wood carving craftsmanship.
[EP15] 2024年的经济回顾与展望 – 槟州研究院社会经济与统计组王慧玲主任
Happy New Year! As we bid farewell to Malaysia’s Chinese word of 2023—贵 (guì) or expensive, we look ahead to a potentially better economic year in 2024. Miss Ong Wooi Leng from the Penang Institute’s Socioeconomics & Statistics Division analyses the economic situation in Penang last year, highlighting a recovery in growth and youth employment. This year, we anticipate continued stable economic growth with policy support.
[EP14] 槟城传统布袋戏团的挑战与机会—破浪布袋戏团团长林云濠 Marcus Lim (下集)
In the previous episode, Marcus Lim guided us through the rich skills and knowledge of Penang traditional Chinese puppetry. In this episode, we explore the challenges and possibilities of managing such a group in present-day Penang. The rise of diverse art festivals in Penang serves as an important cross-border exchange platform, allowing the group to gain fresh perspectives and experiences.
[EP13] 槟城传统布袋戏的在地性与灵光— 破浪布袋戏团团长林云濠 Marcus Lim (上集)
Ever heard of Chinese puppetry? Many often associate it with memories from a bygone era. In this episode, Marcus Lim, leader of the Ombak Potehi group, vividly guides us into the vast world of Penang Chinese puppetry. Within it, we witness a group of passionate young individuals earnestly exploring the local essence of this traditional art form.
[EP12] 年轻一代政治工作者的所思所想 — YB魏子森行政议员 YB Daniel Gooi
In this episode, YB Daniel Gooi Zi Sen, a Member of the Penang State Legislative Assembly, talks about his new roles after the state elections, such as being the Penang State EXCO for Youth, Sports, and Health, and serving as the State Assemblyman for Padang Lalang. As a young politician, he shares his thoughts on youth, sports, and health policies, and encourages the younger generation to actively engage in society.
[EP11] 书法、艺术与生活 — 马发强 Beh Hock Chan
In this episode, the Mandarin Podcast Team visited calligrapher Beh Hock Chan in Taiping, Perak. They explored his calligraphy journey and its connection to daily life. Beh shared insights on the Four Treasures of the Study and the spiritual discipline needed to excel, revealing the essence of calligraphy in this small Malaysian town.
[EP10] 微型华小的春天 — 王顺永 Ong Soon Yeong (槟城浮罗勿洞华小副校长)
In this episode, Ong Soon Yeong, Vice Principal of Pulau Betong Chinese Primary School, discusses the challenges and untapped potential of small-scale Chinese primary schools. With a decade of teaching experience, he has witnessed their growth and successfully led Pulau Betong Chinese Primary School to become an environmentally-conscious green campus. He believes that with ambitious leaders and passionate teachers, small-scale primary schools can truly flourish.
[EP9] 与Reef Stakes一起玩:从游戏认识海洋保育 — 黎才明 Edmund Lau
这一集,我们很荣幸邀请Reef Stakes的共同创办人之一,Edmund Lau(黎才明先生),与我们聊聊如何透过桌游增进对海洋保育的认识。Reef Stakes由他与几位志同道合的朋友创立,旨在透过轻松的方式加强民众对于海洋的认知与理解。在2018年,Reef Stakes 发行了一款有趣的桌游,透过几种角色扮演,遭遇的情境与任务,让参与者能够从现实生活的角度,理解珊瑚礁保育真实面对的挑战。就让我们一起轻松地玩出对于海洋保育知识的体验与了解!
In this episode, we are honoured to have Mr. Edmund Lau, one of the founders of Reef Stakes, discuss how a tabletop game is able to enhance our awareness on marine conservation. Mr. Lau, along with like-minded peers, founded the organization with the aim of educating the Malaysian audience on matters pertaining to the ocean. In 2018, Reef Stakes introduced an intriguing tabletop game, enabling its players to grasp the challenges of marine conservation realistically through role-play. Join us as we gain insights into marine conservation through this engaging and relaxed approach!
[EP8] 投入绿色教育的热血教师 — GREW (槟城绿色教育工作者协会)
GREW (Green Educators’ Workgroup) 由关心绿色教育的中小学老师创办,随后串联了具有共同目标的学校老师、NGO组织与公部门的有志之士,成为了交流讨论与资源共享的平台。GREW成立后的两年后已有丰富的成果,接触与交流的对象也延伸至大学生,甚至也对相关政策提出建言。这集,就让我们一起聆听几位共同创办人,这一路走的过程、挑战与未来展望!
GREW (Green Educators’ Workgroup) was founded by primary and secondary teachers passionate about Green Education. It connected like-minded teachers, NGOs, and government officials, establishing itself as a platform for exchanging ideas and sharing resources. GREW has yielded fruitful outcomes by extending its reach to university students and has even provided recommendations on relevant legislations. In this episode, let us tune into GREW’s co-founders as they discuss their journey and future prospects of the group.